
I have been intrigued with how society handles the freedoms and opportunities it has and how various rights and responsibilities can sometimes conflict with others’ rights and responsibilities.

I came up with the idea of a place like Conway Corners and the choices it is facing, perhaps because I have also spent more of my life naked than most women my age. The situation that Conway Corners is in seems bizarre, yet it is not so implausible as to seem totally impossible.

The state's Supreme Court has just given everybody a new right, one few had asked for or ever expected to be granted, the right to go about undressed, and now society is transitioning to becoming clothing optional. This story examines how people adjust to that right, how it might be used and abused, and how people who have been seeking other rights or who would prefer to reduce existing freedoms adjust to the changes. It also looks at the ways that families and people interact with each other.

The story does involve a fair amount of nudity, but if you are looking for pornography you are in the wrong place. (However, with a little searching, you can probably find a porn site if you try hard enough [or even if you don't]). There are no lingering descriptions of the naked bodies or body parts and the specifics of any undressing are not lingered on. The most explicit reference to a sexual activity (in the initial story, at least) is one in which a couple wakes up in bed and a used condom is thrown into a waste basket.

The large, initial story (Conway Corners approaches N-Day) covers a lot of ground and introduces many people and situations. It is intended to provide a “universe” in which other stories, short or long, can be added. Reader suggestions or input for more stories will be accepted and I have established a moderated Google Group (Conway Corners -- discussions of choices and consequences) for this. Feedback is welcomed.

The chapters are posted in reverse format. I guess blogs work that way. However, links to individual chapters are on the left and you may find them helpful in navigating the story.

Enjoy this story and maybe let it make you think.



Do not post anything from here on any other site. You may feel free to link to this site from your free, non-porn site, but it would be nice to learn if you do.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

3. Edna talks to Christina

Edna had just finished a light supper and had retired to her living room to read some company memos while sipping a Manhattan she had just made herself. She had discharged Polly, her maid, for the day She was wearing a short, loose, wrap-around, denim skirt and a sleeveless shirt she had taken from her “old clothes” closet. She liked the skirt, but knew that it was not appropriate for going anyplace, because it could not be counted on to provide necessary coverage if she moved, stretched or displayed her legs wrong while sitting. But it was ideal for an evening by herself.

She heard a knock on her back door which she recognized as being that of her niece, Christina.

“Come in,: she shouted.

Two naked people entered the house, their nakedness emphasized by the fact that they both had shaved pubic areas. They were both twenty years old. The woman was Christina, Emily’s only child, who was from her second marriage. She was tall and had a figure that Edna would have envied at any age. The man was Justin Matheson, her boyfriend who stood about six feet tall with a moderately muscular build and was obviously, well-hung. Christina had chosen him to be her boyfriend shortly after her mother and she had returned to Conway Corners when she and Justin were both about ten and had held on to him since then even while she was at Princeton and he was attending a public university half an hour from Conway Corners. Justin did not belong to the same caste as the Family. His family was what is sometimes called “white trash.” His parents, like Christina’s were divorced, but neither had ever made much money and his father had not been heard from for several years. But Christina had held on to her Justin despite repeated suggestions from her mother and others in the family and had brought him around the Compound often. Edna noticed that Justin never seemed completely comfortable there, even when Christina let him be dressed, but he behaved himself well and was relatively well-adjusted in the Compound environment. Christina had shown distaste for clothes since she was a little girl and expected her boyfriend to exhibit the same attitude. Edna was not sure how much or whether Justin really enjoyed social nudity and suspected that being shaved was not his idea, but she had to admit that he kept his chin up.

“Grab some drinks,” Edna shouted into the next room where Christina was already reaching for the refrigerator and extracting two beers. She opened them both and handed one to Justin and they went into the living room.

“You look tight,” Christina said to her aunt. “Why not stretch out?”

Edna knew what Christina meant and although she did not feel especially tense or stressed did appreciate her niece’s concern so she got up, slipped her shirt off, and lay down on the floor in front of the couch. Christina reached into the side table and pulled out a bottle of scented oil.

As she knelt by her aunt, Justin knowingly grabbed a towel off a shelf and sat in a reclining chair nearby.

“How did your meeting go?” Christina asked as she started to rub her aunt’s shoulders.

“I guess it went all right,” Edna answered as her niece worked over her muscles. “You know it can take a while for this all to soak in all of us. I’ve been thinking of it for a few weeks now, but maybe I got to thinking about it so early because Donald got me to thinking about it. Most of our small business people stay busy enough just running their businesses to think of the long-term challenges and opportunities that are coming up. And, of course, a lot of them somehow thought the politicians would get this straightened out. But as of now it looks like you’ll be able to walk right through the center of town Thursday afternoon stark naked and I’m sure you will and perhaps you will find a welcome in Laura’s place or someplace else around there.”

“Laura’s going along?” the younger woman asked.

“I don’t know. I hope so, but I know she isn’t finding it easy.”

“She shouldn’t be so stuck up about it. She ain’t no virgin or nothing. I’ve heard things about her.”

“Well, we pretty much hear a lot about everybody. I’ve heard some things about Laura too. But even if they’re true, that’s really kind of irrelevant. She needs to run her business by making business decisions. And I think she could probably extend a better welcome to her new customers if she took things off, but I can see why she might not want to or ask Twyla or anybody else working there to. Remember, it’s not just what is on site. If she is nude in public, somebody will get her picture and the whole world will see it. I’ve made up my mind and I’m sure that by this time next week my naked self will be seen across the world. It’s part of my contribution to this community which has done many good things for our family and because I want to keep newly won rights for all of us. But Laura is younger so she will have longer to go with the consequences, whatever they are. And she’s a lot better looking and she’s in the public more than I am, so there will be more cameras pointed at her. And Twyla is younger still and will have the problem more.”

“Well, I suppose I can be a distraction and save her some of that,” Christina noted.

“I imagine that you will, although I don’t really think that you have thought it all out,” Edna answered. “And you wouldn’t spare her much. There are lots of cameras and lots of memory cards and sticks and film. We’ll all become freaks for a while and I suppose somewhere lonely teenage boys and old men alike will be getting off on us. Of course, they can do that when we’re dressed too, but this will aggravate their horninesses.”

“They get off on me all the time, even when they see me dressed,” Christina noted. “It’s a part of being a good-looking woman. Justin is the only one who gets off in me, but who knows how many get off on me. Or even on you, at your age.”

Edna thought that the last statement said a lot about her niece. Although she was very fond of her sister’s daughter, she did think Christina egotistical. And although she knew that she was no longer a young woman, she also did not appreciated the comment on her age. And she saw Justin turning a bit red at the comment on where he got off.

“Some day, my dear little niece,” she said, “you’ll be older. Those boobs won’t be so perky and that waist won’t be so tight. Age treats us all somewhat differently, but it doesn’t do any of us any favors. I never was bad looking but I was never a good-looker like you are when I was twenty. Time has treated me well. There are people I went to college with who now just wish they could keep up with me. Your waist will grow. Genes mean a lot. Your mother fights it and from the last time I saw your father he quit fighting. Your boobs will sag, not as bad as a lot of our more endowed sisters, but they’ll go down a bit. Even if legalized nakedness continues until you are approaching fifty – and I hope it does because I really believe in body freedom – you may want to cover yourself all the time so people won’t see your sagging boobs on your plump body. Enjoy it while you can, but you keep up the exercises to keep those muscles working. You know that I really think you need that bra when you’re going to be dressed anyway, but let’s get off of this subject. We’ve discussed this before and I’m sure we are really boring poor Justin here. And you’ve pretty much finished my back so I’ll get up and get myself another Manhattan and we’ll chat a bit more. I would like your help on Monday.”

Christina got up and let her aunt rise. As Edna went to refill her drink, Christina grabbed a seat on Justin’s lap.

“Can I get you two anything?” Edna shouted out.

“Justin looks a little dry,” Christina answered. “I’m OK though.”

Edna returned with a beer for Justin and a Manhattan for herself. She threw a towel over the back and fell back into the chair she had previously occupied. She did not bother to put her shirt back on and she carefully adjusted her short skirt as she sat. Justin and Christina had both seen her body many times, but somehow instinct told her to adjust the skirt so her niece and her niece’s boyfriend could not look up it.

“You know about the barbecue Monday night?” she asked her guests.

“We’ve heard about it, but I don’t know the details,” Christina answered. “Mom said that you were going to have some of the city’s business leaders over some kind of emergency powwow. I suppose your red flag will be up.”

Every house in the compound had flagpoles. While some of them flew American flags from poles in front of their homes, they all had poles in back on which they flew various other banners. A plain red flag indicated that somebody was hosting people who might be offended by nudity. A red and white striped flag indicated that something scheduled for the next couple of days would require a red flag.

“Oh, no,” Edna answered. “Definitely not. Donald is the brain behind this, but we have decided to have it here because we might do a pig and I’ve got the bigger fire pit and I’ve got the pool. But we want to get business people here to discuss next Thursday and what follows when we will have better information on what the special session has done. We’ll have a barbecue to start out before the meeting. And we want to allow people to see social nudity and maybe try it themselves. That’s why the pool may be important. Nothing makes more people nudists than swimming.”

“What can we do?” Christina asked.

“Well, if you are willing to be nude –“

“You’ve already heard me say that I’m looking to be downtown at noon on Thursday to be the first. Justin will be with me.”

Edna thought she saw a grimace on the young man’s face.

“Well, I know that and it’s your choice and I do wonder about whether your zeal may be misplaced, but what I was saying was that if you are willing to be nude while our guests are here, it might help set the mood. It won’t be public. It’ll be right here. Your mother’s coming. I don’t know if she’ll be dressed or not. Somehow I suspect that if Ashley’s here that she’ll find a reason to be naked before the evening’s over. Even if you’re just swimming while the guests arrive, it could help to make the mood. After we eat we will adjourn for a meeting to discuss the new situation. If we don’t get too many we’ll use my drawing room. If we get more, we’ll use your mother’s or Donald’s. We really haven’t worked that out yet. And I imagine that when the meeting is over, that if anybody wants a late-night dip or left-over snack, that we’ll have some of that.”

Edna looked at the couple sitting across the room. Christina was still sitting on Justin and their hands were making extensive contact with each other’s body surface. She added one moirĂ© comment, “But if you come, please lay off of each other. We want to make people comfortable with social nudity, not sexual nudity.”

“Don’t worry, Aunt Edna,” Christina answered. “We’ll behave ourselves, at least until after they’ve gone home.”

“Thank you.” Edna still had her doubts but figured that she needed their presence enough that she would have to take the risk. Beside, with Christina’s mother coming and their living next door it would be hard to keep her from coming over.

Christina got up off of Justin and stood up. Justin stood up too. Edna was amazed that he did not seem erect.

‘Well, we should be going,” Christina said. “We’ll figure on being here. Of course, we’ll see you in the meantime.”

“Fine,” Edna answered as she rose herself to take her guests to the sliding door in back through which they had entered.

Edna bid them farewell, grabbed a diet cola, and returned to her chair, picking up a Malloy Northern company memo and commenting to herself that outside of his brief comments when coming and going that she had not heard Justin say anything. “When will that girl allow him to speak,” she said to her self softly. “And when will he get the nerve to say something?”

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