
I have been intrigued with how society handles the freedoms and opportunities it has and how various rights and responsibilities can sometimes conflict with others’ rights and responsibilities.

I came up with the idea of a place like Conway Corners and the choices it is facing, perhaps because I have also spent more of my life naked than most women my age. The situation that Conway Corners is in seems bizarre, yet it is not so implausible as to seem totally impossible.

The state's Supreme Court has just given everybody a new right, one few had asked for or ever expected to be granted, the right to go about undressed, and now society is transitioning to becoming clothing optional. This story examines how people adjust to that right, how it might be used and abused, and how people who have been seeking other rights or who would prefer to reduce existing freedoms adjust to the changes. It also looks at the ways that families and people interact with each other.

The story does involve a fair amount of nudity, but if you are looking for pornography you are in the wrong place. (However, with a little searching, you can probably find a porn site if you try hard enough [or even if you don't]). There are no lingering descriptions of the naked bodies or body parts and the specifics of any undressing are not lingered on. The most explicit reference to a sexual activity (in the initial story, at least) is one in which a couple wakes up in bed and a used condom is thrown into a waste basket.

The large, initial story (Conway Corners approaches N-Day) covers a lot of ground and introduces many people and situations. It is intended to provide a “universe” in which other stories, short or long, can be added. Reader suggestions or input for more stories will be accepted and I have established a moderated Google Group (Conway Corners -- discussions of choices and consequences) for this. Feedback is welcomed.

The chapters are posted in reverse format. I guess blogs work that way. However, links to individual chapters are on the left and you may find them helpful in navigating the story.

Enjoy this story and maybe let it make you think.



Do not post anything from here on any other site. You may feel free to link to this site from your free, non-porn site, but it would be nice to learn if you do.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

7. Lindsey and Karen

Lindsey Appleton arrived at Yankee Joe’s Water Park shortly after noon. She was early for her life-guarding shift, earlier than usual actually, but had finished her errands quicker than expected so had come on to work. She had worked here for two years. The water park, open year around, had provided her work while she attended J.G. Cherry. She enjoyed working there, finding the work not too difficult and her coworkers pleasant enough to be around. She usually supervised the children’s pool and she got in all the swimming and sunning she could want. She considered Karen Cahill a good boss, even though she sometimes wondered if her boss was more interested in her than a straight boss would have been.

She chatted a bit with Crystal White who was working the cashier booth until some customers came up to the booth, then she went on to the female staff changing area.

Nobody was there, so she slowly removed her street clothes, grabbed a towel, and went to the shower. As she was leaving the shower, she noticed that Karen had entered the room. She said hello and proceeded to her locker. She reached for her park-issued uniform, a high-cut, one-piece bright yellow swimsuit with light blue trim, and a matching cap. Dropping the towel she noticed again that the uniform swimsuit had left her with clear tan lines, her abdomen being much lighter than her legs and arms. She had often wondered whether she should try tanning on her own time in a skimpier suit to allow her middle to become darker, but had never seen much point to it, since she felt that she spent enough time in the sun the way it was and she seldom wore midriff-revealing clothing.

As she was pulling the swimsuit on, Karen came over to her.

“I don’t know if we will be doing this or not. It’s a little too early to tell, but would you be available to work late evenings some, like until midnight or so,” the manager asked.

“I suppose I could. What’s up?”

“Well, we’re working on how to adapt to the changes coming statewide Thursday. We think we’ll be having late night swims for adults who want to skinnydip. The lawyers are still working on the details, but we figure that we will have a few hours in the late evening for that purpose.”

Lindsey had wondered what changes might be coming to the water park because of the recent court ruling, but had not spent a lot of time dwelling on the subject. She figured that the park would probably make clients wear their suits, and even if they didn’t, well she was a big girl and had seen it all before.

“Just adults? This has always been a family place.”

“Well, we need to adapt to new rules,” her boss answered, “and this may be what we have to do to allow the adult nude swims. I would just as soon have it all ages and the lawyers are looking at it. They are concerned that there may be some problem with minors being coerced into nudity. I certainly understand that, but I’m concerned with what might happen if people misconstrue what ‘adults only’ means. We think there is a market out there for people interested in social nudity. We really don’t want to make it a sexual thing, to have swingers here. That’s not the market we are looking for and it would be illegal to pander or provide anyway.

‘Well, I guess I can work that late, at least most nights, if we do the schedule right. I’ve seen naked people before. That shouldn’t be a problem. But I would hope that you have signage or something to remind the customers what the rules are. I suspect that most of the staff, especially us girls, would appreciate that. Some guy who wants to hit on me because he’s naked and thinks that gives him permission might bother me a bit, but he might be a real problem for some of the others here. After all, I’m up above. I have a whistle and a horn. Some of the others like Crystal or Georgia are more vulnerable. After all, they’re down there on the same level and they don’t have my horn.”

“Right. I will make sure that we get some kind of added security, maybe a bouncer or even an off-duty cop for the CO hours. We won’t put up with anything funny. Also, we’re going to keep staff dressed. The only one who will go naked might be me and I’m only going to do it when I want to.”

“You’re going to run around naked? Why would you want to do that? Not that you wouldn’t look good, I mean, but why you?”

“Well, some people can do it and others cannot. I can. I’ve had some exposure, if that’s the word, to social nudity and I think that it would be good to have somebody working here who is naked and think I can handle it. I think it would be more welcoming.”

She reached into a locker and pulled out two strips of fabric, bright yellow with a light blue trim, the same colors as employee uniforms.

“See these?” she asked. “I’m going to sew these up and they will be my uniform. One on my left arm. One on my left thigh.”

“Well, I’m sure you would look good and stunning in them. But if you’re doing the naked thing, aren’t you going to expect us to do it too.”

“No, I won’t. I’m not even comfortable with any of you who work here, female or male, doing that even if you want to. I do think it would make clients feel more welcome, but I think it would be an untenable position from a management point of view.

“How’s that?”

“If people think that being nude is a job requirement, they won’t want to work here. And if they somehow see it as a help for promotion, there would be dissention among the employees. And most of you are young. You may be legally old enough to make the choice yourself, but not old enough that you can really be sure that you might not regret it later, especially if your picture gets around and it will.”

“Yeah, I know how that can happen. An old boyfriend of mine has put naked pix of me on the internet and I wasn’t even naked. We never took things that far, but he found some pictures. What he found weren’t nude pictures, so he had to make them nude. I don’t think he is that talented with the software, but his bitch sister is and she never did like me.”

She reached into her purse and pulled out a small note pad and scribbled something down. She tore off the slip and handed it to Karen. “There, that’s the URL, at least one URL that he has put them up on. I talked to an attorney but she didn’t think there was much we could do so the whole world can think they have seen me nude. It really isn’t a bad job of photo editing, except my boobs aren’t that big and I don’t have that tattoo. But I can’t prove that I don’t have that tattoo unless I show more of me than I would be comfortable showing.”

“He must have been a real bastard.”

“Still is.”

“Isn’t there anything much you can do about him? After all, that’s pretty shitty.”

“We’ll, I’m working on something. But it’s too early to talk about it."

“Well, good luck. I’ll be going. And it’s almost time for you to get to work.”

Lindsey looked at the clock on the wall and acknowledged that she would need to be moving and thanked Karen for giving her an update on what was going on. At one o’clock she ascended the steps to the lifeguard station wearing her swimsuit uniform, the matching cap, and carrying a whistle on a lanyard and began to watch the children romping in the water.

Shortly after 2:30 Karen came by and shouted up to her, “I looked that up. You really do look good. But you can tell that they’re fakes. Good fakes, but fakes.”

Lindsey glanced down quickly, smiled at her boss, and turned her head back to her job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If a fake is good enough people won't care